Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Hidden Fortress

Just about everything is closed on Sundays, so I had to find something to do. I didn't really want to take the public transportation anywhere, because it wouldn't really be worth the price of a ticket. I pulled out my map, and saw that there was a fortress somewhat close to my Pension. So I grabbed my camera and away I went.

There's a sign pointing to the fortress. And something else I can't understand.

I was a little confused with my map, so I was looking left. I glanced to the right, and boom! Fortress wall.

And there's a gate. It's been breached!

Apparently this is number 29. Gate 29? Fort 29? I don't know.

More of the wall.

Here's, um, something cool looking. And I even rotated the picture to avoid head-tilting.

At this point, I was pretty sure I was close to the Danube. According to the map, I was. I saw a path that looked like it would take me closer.

Look, switchbacks! Okay, hard to see.

We're switch...
... back!

Oh no! A highway sits between me and the Danube. How will I get across?

Ooh. Stairs. Down, down, down the stairs, and then...

The tunnel! (This is exactly what was going though my head at the time. I'm such a super-nerd.)

I emerged from the tunnel without encountering any giant spiders.

Oh no! Now there's train tracks in the way.

Haha, another tunnel. Fool you once, shame on me. Fool you twice...

At last! The Danube.

Some other body of water joining the Danube. I think. Or maybe the previous pic wasn't the Danube. Either way, after the joining, it's definitely the Danube. Cue Strauss.

Saw this on my way back up the path. Silly Germans, that's not how walking works.

I decided to head back by going around the rest of the fortress, instead of back the way I came. We'll see why that was a mistake in a bit. For now, enjoy more fortress pics.

Ooh, this gate's closed. I wonder what's behind it. Wait, what's...


Aha!!! Oh... .That wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be.

When the Germans decided to expand the fortress, materials were not as plentiful...

Goats! I think my camer didn't know if it should focus on the fence or the goat, so this pic's a bit blurry.

And horses!

The Trojan Moose. "Then, Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad and I will jump out, and take them completely by surprise."

And this is... Oh crap, I'm lost.

Hmmm. Still lost. Uh oh. Well, it's afternoon, and there's the sun. So that should be west. So as long as I head northwest, I should be all right.

This looks promising. Maybe it will take me back to a main road.


Wow. Forget the fact that I'm lost for a sec and check out this view!

Oh yeah, I'm still lost.

Wait, how can the fortress be there?!?!? I've been walking away from it for half an hour!

Extra points to anyone who noticed that the name on this sign is different from the one I saw earlier. Finally, I had a landmark, though. I pulled out my map, and I realized this is the path I'd taken:
It turns out I was at an old concentration camp memorial thing. So I decided to check it out.

Looks pretty ominous. The doors are open, but I can't help feeling like I'm not supposed to be here... Oh well, onwards!


Also creepy...

Spiral staircase?! Up we go!

Welcome to the top floor. It's a lot blurrier up here than it was downstairs...

That green sign there is an Exit sign. Why it's pointing to a second story window, I have no idea...

I went back down the stairs, and then down even further into the dungeon. And then I took a picture without flash.

I found a way out! Or I could just go back up the stairs.

I left the second fortress, and now I'm walking along a highway. But this time I know which highway.

Look out, Don Quixote, CYBER-WINDMILLS!!!

 And, finally, I'm back on the route I took to get to the first fortress.

From there, the journey was pretty uneventful, and I got back to my room. Until next time, tschüs.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some awesome photos. Getting lost can be exciting! I would imagine it's much more fun when it's light out, though...
