Thursday, June 3, 2010

I found Wilbur!

So far, I've been unable to get internet in my room, so these pictures have just been sitting on my camera. I believe these are from last Saturday.

After I posted my last blog post, I went and looked at some of the shops in the city-center. I was wandering around a bookstore, and I saw Blade Runner! In German...

I looked through it to see if I could recognize any words/names. I saw Deckard a couple of times  (he's Harrison Ford's character in the movie, for those of you unfamiliar with the story). And then, another name popped out: Wilbur. I tried to take a picture of the page:

There, right in the middle. Hmm, that picture didn't come out very well. Maybe if I turn on the flash...

Nope. But trust me, I saw the name "Wilbur."

Then, the next thing to catch my eye: The Star Wars Collection. Yup, Star Wars is everywhere. Which reminds me of another story. On the day I got into town, my PhD student met me and took me to a coffee shop while we waited for the landlady of my Pension to be available. I was wearing a shirt with R2-D2 on it, and when I sat down, he said, "Oh, R2-D2." I replied, "Yeah. Do you like Star Wars too?" And he said "Who doesn't?"

And, right to the left of the Star Wars book, the man in the hat himself: Dr. Henry Jones, Jr., better known as

Also in the bookstore, for some reason, my favorite German beer.

The beer glasses also work quite well as vases. So I looked in some other stores, and then found a big store called Kaufhof (I think). It had 5 or 6 floors, and the top floor was a restaurant, where I had lunch. And not only did they have Franziskaner, they had several varieties. I went with Dunkel, which is a dark beer.

That's all the pictures I took that day. Stay tuned for my trip to a fortress the next day.


  1. Camera fail. You should try getting a little further from the page, or using less zoom (if you were using it). Also, try at an angle next time.

  2. I'm an engineer, not a photographer!

    But yeah, that makes sense. ;)
