Saturday, May 29, 2010

I made it!

Greetings from Germany. Here's some pics:

Here's the place where they stamped my passport.

And here's the stamp on my passport. Yeah, I know, it's blurry.

And then I got lost, and wandered around the airport, trying to find the train. Eventually I found someone that worked there, and I asked them where to go. Here's the subway station under the airport.

"This is a very nice train," I thought. "Hope it's the right one..."

(Don't worry, hypothetical reader. It was.) Germany is beautiful.

So, then I switched trains and got on one from Stuttgart to Ulm. CTA could take a few pointers from Germany.

More beautiful scenery:

Photo fail. Those trees were not there when I pressed the button on my camera.

Check out this church in Ulm. Tallest steeple in the world, folks.

No, I'm not going to bother rotating that picture. Just tilt your head right. Okay, so the flat I'll be staying at this summer turned out not to be available yet (the previous occupant hasn't emptied it yet). So here's the Pension I'm staying at this weekend.

I took a nap, because I was uber-jet-lagged. Then I went out and explored, and found a pizza place. Either "peperoni" actually means "pepper," or the guy heard me wrong...

I sat down to eat my pizza, and took some pictures:
(tilt your head left this time)

Then, some German high schoolers who were also hanging out in the square I was in called me over. And asked me to buy them a pizza. I politely declined. They asked what brought me to Germany, and I told them about my internship. One of them was on the phone, and asked me to say something in English to the person on the other end. It was an interesting experience. They had to leave, then. I finished my pizza and did some more exploring.

I found a Catholic Church:

I ended up falling asleep at 10 last night, and then woke up at 5:30 this morning. It's gonna take a while to shake off this jet-lag.

Okay, I'm off to explore more of Ulm. See you soon, folks.


  1. Love it! Gonna bring me back a das boot?

    Ps those are peppercini (pepper chee knees)on your pizza.

  2. ahhh, i was actually awake when you posted this. have a great day

  3. Way to show me up on the whole posting-photos thing... :P

  4. If i bring alcohol back, I have to declare it at customs. And that would just take too long.
