Saturday, May 22, 2010

Star Wars in Concert

So, this has nothing to do with my internship in Germany, but I thought I'd write about my experience at Star Wars in Concert. And hey, it's my blog, so I can post whatever I want on it, right?

Here we go:
Patrick and I with the troops.
Yoda. Y-O-D-A Yoda.
Scout Trooper helmet and Clone Pilot helmet. And something else. Guess I didn't pick a good angle.
It's hard to see, but this is an original piece of sheet music on which John Williams composed some brilliant Star Wars music by hand.
Some blasters. And, cleverly concealed behind the blasters, my brother Patrick.
Boba Fett? Boba Fett? Where?
Patrick and I, chillin' with Han. (Haha, get it?)
The Marks brothers, contemplating our place in the universe, Skywalker style.
At last, we have the mighty Chewbacca.
"Did anyone tell this guy the ship's exploding?"
Two words: Yub nub.
We are fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. (But not German, unfortunately.)
The stage from our seats. That screen was showin' HD Star Wars scenes during the concert.
The rest of the arena from our seats.

Yeah, that's right. We had front row seats. I was within 15 feet of Anthony Daniels several times. I'm pretty sure he looked right at me at one point. The concert was amazing. It was so cool to see Star Wars music being performed live, right in front of me. I'm glad this thing came to Wichita.

All right folks, the next time I update this blog, I should be in Germany. Until then, may the Force be with you. 

1 comment:

  1. Mi super-nerd! You're right, this has NOTHING to do with Germany! But it's still pretty awesome.
