Friday, May 14, 2010

First Post (creative title, I know)

All right. Here we go. The first of what will theoretically be many blog posts. Theoretically, I will use more complete sentences in the future, also.

For those of you who don't know, I will be travelling to Germany this summer for an internship. Whenever I tell people this, they inevitably ask, "An internship doing what?" To which I respond, "I'll be working with a PhD student designing filters for ultra-high frequency communications." Most respond with "...Oh. Well, that's um...that should be good..."

So Matt, what have you done to prepare for this trip? Well, I'm glad you asked, hypothetical reader. I bought a camera from Woot:
But if the camera's in the picture, how are you taking the picture? Magic, hypothetical reader, magic.

I also got my passport:

You'll notice that the picture is a bit blurry. That's partially because I'm new to the whole photography thing, and partially because I was holding the camera in one hand. You'll also notice that there's a box of Earl Grey tea in the background. That's not relevant, I just thought I'd point it out. (Matt, can we expect to see boxes of Earl Grey tea hiding in future pictures as well? I wouldn't count on it, hypothetical reader.)

My flight leaves on May 27, so until then, I'll basically sit on my butt and do nothing. I'll keep you updated on my preparations in the meantime. Auf Wiedersehen!


  1. @ Michael: He got this great idea from me! Which, in all fairness, I got from someone else...but still!

    Matthew, how about you sit on your butt and learn German until then? It might come in handy...

  2. "I just finished my 3rd year at the Illinois Institute of Technology (you mean ITT? yeah, that's the one), studying Electrical Engineering."

    As an _IIT_ student, I have to point out the typo in your "About Me" section. Your first post seemed an ideal place to highlight this error. :)

  3. The typo was deliberate. I was just being sarcastic.

  4. I figured that was a possibility...but had to point it out anyway. :)
