Friday, July 16, 2010

Munich Revisited

The second weekend my parents were in Germany, I went up to Munich to visit them.

Good thing I went back, too, because I missed some things the first time I was there. For example, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (a.k.a. Pope Benedict XVI) used to be an Archbishop at the Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady) in Munich.

Here's my dad, trying to use the magic of photography to make it look like he has antlers.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. (Note: this wasn't in Munich; it's from high school.)

Here's my dad and I with our 1-Liter glasses of beer at the Hofbrauhaus. Speaking of which, I got carded when ordering this beer. And the drinking age for beer in Germany is 16!

Hey, where did all the beer go?

We kept seeing these guys in Munich. They were parading around, singing, dancing, and using outrageous props.

Like the giant spoon that they handed to this passer-by.

And now for some pictures inside the Residenz treasury. Do you remember the Residenz? It's where rulers of Bavaria used to live.
"I don't care how good it looks on you," they told my mom. "The items in the museum are not for sale!"
This is St. George. Wow, the patron saint of England sure shows up a lot in Germany.
Hey, that guy looks just like me!
My dad and I keep ending up in each other's pictures.
Wow, I take a lot of pictures of swords...
And daggers...
And that will do it for the treasury pictures.

Which one is better? Be honest.

I told my dad that the Large would be too big, but did he listen?

Here's my mom and the Munich Hauptbahnhof (main train station).

On my way back from Munich, I stopped in Augsburg. To be honest, it was kind of lame. And it was raining. I took some pictures, but they're not really that great, so I don't think I'll post them. I have pictures from Heidelberg, Cologne, and Frankfurt to post. I don't have time for Borings-burg. Expect those posts some time soon. I'll probably write them today, but I'll wait to post them so that you can have time to read each one, reread it, study it, analyze it, and turn in a 5-page paper discussing how weird the author is.

Okay, until next time, tchüs!


  1. cookie monster room! ahh good memories til the end of the academic year of 05-06
